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[#]Product Guide

[ibisMail for iPhone - About Functions]

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(61Records in  41-50Records)

[1]How do I change the sorting of recieved mail?

[2]How can I edit/send a draft message?

[3]If you get an email addressed " To" a lot of people, it is very difficult to scroll to message body.

[4]How can I set "Reply-To"?

[5]Is there an ability to copy messages to other IMAP folders, not just move?

[6]How can I choose how many KB(kilobyte) I can use per a day?

[7]How can I set up emails thread view ?

[8]How can I reply to "Reply-To"?

[9]Does the app support spell check?

[10]Does the app support PGP?

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[#]Product Guide
