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[ibisMail for iPhone - Connection Settings]

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(25Records in  11-20Records)

[1]I cannot connect to the Exchange server.

[2]Can't login to the server.

[3]Couldn't create any POP accounts.

[4]Can't receive and send messages with yahoo.com.au, y7mail.com

[5]How can I set up @rocketmail.com account provided by Yahoo!(USA) ?

[6]Can I set up SMS or MMS account like vodafone, softbank.ne.jp, etc...?

[7]Does the app support STARTTLS for IMAP?

[8]Is my e-mail account of my e-mail provider available on ibisMail?

[9]Can't receive and send messages with GMX.

[10]Is it possible to "Continue search on server" as the native iPhone client in IMAP mode.

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Please inquire about your problem here when it is not found.

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[#]Product Guide
